Zaria here, and just telling you all some new stuff.
Mk, so I'm noticing this blog isn't so peppy, so that's why I want new writers! But now, I'll need to get StardollReport involved into this. I will be updating StardollReport & will be looking for, I don't know, correspondents! We'll see how this will be worked out. So, let me just cut to the main topic.
So, while tryingto give my Medoll a new edgy, glam look, I found some very interesting lips.

(The new lips are boxed!)
There kind of, flat & angry like -- but they do have a hint of gloss, which is always fabulous & cute! But, hey, not my thing.
If you can work them, I want to see! Because, I'm a very interested person.
So I will be looking for writers in my club & on StardollReport.
Leave a comment & give me some feedback! :)
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